Thx for 300+ downloads and update

A veeery big thank you to everyone, who played the game!!! (^^)/

I'm super glad that so many people already downloaded my game omg.... (I was convinced that there'd only be like 3 people, who'd play this x'D )
Also, thank you to all the lovely people that left me a comment and told me how they thought about the game! There were a lot of helpful aspects being brought up - and I'll def take them into consideration for my next game!!

As for the update: I'll try my best to fix some things this weekend and upload a newer version of the game!

These things include:

  • accidentally getting the True End
  • Blue Fairy not healing you
  • a voice line fix
  • a lot of spelling mistakes :'')

If you encountered a bug that I haven't listed here, please tell me!! I'll take care of it UvU

- Kathinka.png

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