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The story in this was amazing. It was a psychological horror game with heart. Keep it up!


Great game, loved the story and gameplay, didnt expect to enjoy murdering my poor coworker, created a account just to follow you!


Oh how sweet!! I'm glad you liked the murdering part! (just don't do that irl haha)


Well i played it..  

Ka i'm already become a fan of yours, your beatiful style of drawing is a great feature of all your games. Mmm this game was a gamble with all dark context. For a JAM game it's definitely a good game but (at least for me)  it's not your best work.

It didn't cacth me like "You and me" (And it's not for the murder plot or something like that. I like game like these too). Maybe an different progression of events. A more puzzeling way to make the murders, more details which cacth your attetion betweeen loops (Problaly do not go back to the main screen between loops would be a wise desition). And the true end ... had to be shocking, emotional. Reflexive IDK something which let you feel something. And the feeling who left me was "...Oh ok". 

I don't try to be rude with you. I know is a game which was develop in a pretty short amount of time, and with that in mind is a good work. As your fan i want to provide you with another kind of feedback.

PD: I am studing web development and learning HTML,CSS,JS React . Beside to work i want to use this skills to develop games... To be like you, it was the main reason for i came here because you develop a web version of your games (Hope i draw so well like you someday). I going to make a game soon, when i finish it i will show it to you 


Don't worry, you didn't come of as rude! You're allowed to have your own opinion, but I appreciate that you were so nice about it^^

I kinda agree with you though... I also think that this game is not as good as "You&Me"! Especially the ending... I rewrote the ending for Y&M several times until I was satisfied, but here I went with like the secound draft TvR

Tbh I have a lot to say on my issues with the writing of this game, but I don't wanna dump all of that on you, so I'll hold back xD

This game was mostly just me trying to write darker content, which was pretty fun! But I also felt like a huge edgelord haha

More puzzeling deaths do  sound interesting, but who knows with what I can come up x'D

The main menu between the loops was partly how I interpreted the theme of the jam & a way to highlight the "time-loop"-nature of the game^^ So I'd reather keep it in (It's fine if you didn't lime it though)

Do you have any other feedbacks for this game? :oc If I remade/patch this game I'd like to consider the things you said :3


Oh also!!! 

P.S. That's so cool!! I also had some lessons on that, but that was long ago haha

But I'd love to see your game one day :D


This game was so good, I didnt expect it to end like that at all <33

i loved it ! a GOOD JOB INDEED on your behalf ! :D i hope you enjoy the vid and dont mind my anime weirdness coming out with stupid commentary jokes :D


I'm glad that you liked it!! Don't worry, your commentary was v funny - I enjoyed it xD

Also, your theory at the end was pretty spot on ^^ Tho Ellen agreed to the immortality-thing because she wanted to help/please her lover :o


ok now i'm curious! first thing first good job this was an amazing expirience i really enjoyied it! but there's a thing that still bugs me.....what about the safe with 2 number to input on the protagonist room? 




Good on u for trying out 69 lmao

The explanation is in the comment above u :3c


Whoops I accidentally left that in!

It was my way for resetting (zurückgesetzt in german) the variables, so I could playtest the game^^


Great game, surprised the way the game went, I was really expecting some traumatic end for Ellen. Especially after everything she did, it felt like karma was not balanced out. I am surprised there are so many different ways you can kill someone in the office. I was trying to go for the window, thought that may be an answer.

Great game and cannot wait to play what you make next.


Thank you very much!! I liked your LP, too^^

Well, Ellen would definitely deserve that, but to her luck Olivia doesn't care that much lmao

And thanks, I hope you'll also like my other games ^^


Obligatory Good Job comment . Bcs U did do such a good job hello


KATHINKA IM INSANE THIS IS DEFINITELY UR BEST ONE SO FAR . Im obsessed w ur writing and the story in this one was so interesting ++++ Love the way u did the tilesets in this one very cool ^^ imma leave a jam review too one sec 


Ahh thank you!!! Q//v//Q

I'm suuuper happy that you liked the writing (I feel very selfconscious about that)!! Also I didn't really use tilesets this time... I used the parallax-feature cuz I hate doing tilesets TvT




Amazing game!! Loved getting all the endings, keep up the good job! work!! :D


jhavsjahv I love getting all these "Good Job" comments hahaha
And thank you - I am happy that you liked it <333


how do u kill yourslef?


You can't.


This was a supprise with the twist!


loved this game!! it was so fun getting all the different endings, and i loved how they were all connected!!!! definitely trying out some of your other games rn :))


Ohh thank you!!! It's super nice to hear that!! 

I hope you'll like the other games, too :3


I ended up enjoying the game as much as I thought I would, being a murder simulator lol. Good Job! (get it?)

Hahaha, love the title drop x'D Also the first line in your description... Yeah you may be right with that x'D 

Also if I saw correctly, I think the only ending you're missing is Dead End 2? For that you just have to take the scissors and interact twice with the big packet.

Dead End 7 und True End follow after that :)


Hi Kathinka :)

Horror is not my thing but I still tried it a bit and got dead end 2 & 4.

Art style is nice :)


Hi Anwynn! :3

Thank you for still trying this game out! Don't worry, my next games will probably be a bit more family-friendly xD 

And thx :33


Happy to hear that :)


Good game! Good job!^^


Ohh, a title drop :DD

I'm super happy that you liked this game, too! Thank you for playing <33


I'm a simple person - i see a new game by Kathinka - i drop everything and play!

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