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nice game keep it up pookie


thank you pookie, I will





this was so sweet! 10/10 would recommend


I literally just made  an account just to say I loved this game, the story was amazing

How sweet, thank you sm!! I'm super happy to hear that you enjoyed it sm <33


fun 10/10 tomatoes ,




Vielen Dank für deinen sehr aufschlussreichen Kommentar. 

Mit dieser sachlichen Kritik bin ich mir sicher, das sich mein Geschichtenerzählen und Programmieren verbessert. 

Ich beschloss, dir in meiner Muttersprache zu antworten, da du es nicht für nötig gehalten hast, etwas wie "Blödsinn/Scheiße etc" auf Englisch zu verfassen, welches sogar ein Grundschüler hinkriegen könnte. 

Ich würde mich demnächst auf eine sachlichere oder genauere Kritik freuen. 

Es ist schade, dass dir mein Spiel nicht gefallen hat, aber bevor man so ein "хуйня" schreibt, sollte man überlegen ob dieses Gerne einfach nichts für einen ist.

Ich entschuldige mich im Voraus für etwaige weitere Fehler im Text, da ich einen Übersetzer benutze. In den Kommentaren zu Ihrem Spiel habe ich ein in meiner Muttersprache gebräuchliches Wort verwendet, das in seiner Kürze meine subjektive Erfahrung voll und ganz beschreibt. 

Ich habe Ihr Spiel als eine Art Shieldpost wahrgenommen, das mich mit seiner Atmosphäre an die erste und zweite Episode des Spiels Hello Charlotte" erinnert hat, das ebenfalls mit dem RPG Maker" erstellt wurde. Meine Reaktion ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass Ihre Kreation bei mir keine Emotionen hervorgerufen hat, und das Ende gab mir das Gefühl, einen indischen Film zu sehen.

Übrigens habe ich meinen ersten Kommentar auf Russisch geschrieben, da ich nicht damit gerechnet habe, dass irgendjemand ihn sieht und antwortet, vor allem nicht Sie.

lmao, I certainly didn't expect you to respond either - especially in German 

You're very welcome to have your own opinion on this game (and dislike it - different people like different things :) ). 

Though as the developer I get notifications whenever someone comments, so I don't really appreciate reading an insult while checking out my comment section. (which is why I responded in the first place)


this is one of the funniest interactions i've ever seen



i went from "hell yeah let's kill my coworker" when i clicked this game to "this feels yuri.." as soon as i enter the office and discover that there's only two girls working there, then as it dropped the bomb it got me thinking "tragic yuri???" but then i played the epilogue my mind yelled "YELL HEAH YURI"

basically, LOVE THE GAME!! tho it's p short but i dont mind, the story was amazing, the arts are very cute, and good job putting voices in the game,  it's probably just me but i rarely find voice acting in VN games. gl on ur future project!!


I absolutely love it when people tell me that this game feels very Yuri UvU (mostly because I love Yuri and I love putting Yuri into my games)

Ik what you mean with the voice acting, but I feel like more indie games have Voice Acting in them these days?? Which is super cool :D
(Also I read the gl for good luck as girls love first, hahaha)


I knew they were lovers, or at least there was something between them, they kinda have that energy

I absolutely love hearing that lol


Just finished the game, why did I think I would break the black painting outside of the office to kill the boss... maybe I'm too sinical lol. I loved the game, yuri and gruesome will always be a combination I will love. It's just something about the bittersweet ending sometimes or maybe it's just me :)

I'm glad you enjoyed this game! (and also the Yuri - i agree, gruesome and Yuri is such a yummy mix <3)


This game should be played at every workplace


very strangely cute! I liked the amount of detail and look forward to more. Also I love the note in the trash lmao.


I guess getting True Ending on the begining of the game wasn't intended-maybe glitch caused by browser
I will go through the whole game after a while, so I can enjoy it without the "wait, that's backwards", but I must say I really enjoy arts and voice acting! 

Oh that's def not supposed to happen!! I'd recommend opening up the site in the private mode of your browser and try again? 

I'm glad you enjoyed it so far, though!


My honest reaction:


Fr had my jaw dropped once the explanations started coming

The only reaction I could wish for, hahaha


this game is awesome


gonna start working on this game!


Im actually very impressed for how much detail is put into the game cause 8 endings that you can find normally for games like this only take two minutes for me but im still trying figure it out nice work :)


i love it


I'm so happy for having discovered this universe, new fan Kath!!

What a sweet comment, I feel honored that you enjoyed this story sm <33


I liked the game but i feel the last portion could be better drawn out to be incorporated into the game play rather than a giant info dump at the end that does a kinds 180. 

like maybe instead the player discovers old photos or sees a new door outside the loop. idk i just feel i was told, rather than shown what i should think and feel, which is not that good for a story driven game. 


Tbh, I can see what you mean - I felt the same when I was writing the ending lol (It doesn't rly do a good job on "show, don't tell" but I was running out of time for the game jam this was made for) 

Still, thanks for leaving ur feedback^^ I'm glad you seemed to like the game 

(1 edit) (+3)

This series is wonderful! I found the first game (the box one) while scrolling and thought, "why not?" I wasn't disappointed (poor Olivia ;-;)! I played Good Job on browser, and I went through all 6 normal endings twice, first without the walkthrough, and then with it. The 7th ending won't trigger, is there any way I could fix this? 


I'm glad you enjoyed both games!! (Poor Olivia indeed :* )

I have no idea why this bug happens to some ppl... The 7th ending should trigger by itself. All I can recommend is playing in another browser or watching a (newer) LetsPlay :')


I love this game so much 
the story is sad but at least theres a happy ending 

is it ok if i translate ur game??


Boyo!! Very nice game, loved playing it. Hope you keep posting moar, succ-ess!!!!


So interesting! #1 Olivia and Ellen shipper ....


The ending was healing, after so much killings

hold up wouldnt they be stuck

like stuck in there

would there even be more people ???


is it like a lab

then wouldnt they be well

stuck like i said


The lab was empty/pretty much abandoned + the person in charge let them go.

Also just gonna mention it (cuz I heard it's easily missable) - if you start the game again, you have access to the bonus room/epilogue : ) 


also how they do the uh


since they dont seem to well

have a job and stuff

nvm i figured it out

but what if the money runs out


can i know how to get all the endings?

Just download the walkthrough pdf^^ I have all endings listed in there


ohhh- alr, will download it


this game is so good :0


this game was very short, it took me only 10 minutes, probably cuz im a fast reader. anyways olivia, gyatt.


le bsian robots

This is my new favorite comment <3


Loved the killing methods ❤❤❤❤


Just beautiful, no more to say


This game is really good, seriously


this was so cool! but i got this weird glitch thing during the true end that put a chatbox over my screen that was flipped and upside down. Took me a second to read it because it's upside down AND flipped, but it says "Even though I don't remember a single thing about that woman, I feel a shiver running down my back. I clutch the ends of my". Dunno what it's about, but I thought I should comment on it cause it seems unintentional and kind of keeps my screen black minus text and stuff.

Oh this is def not supposed to happen :oc What are you playing on? It's the first time I've heard about a bug like that

I'm playing on web, chrome browser.


This game was amazing! I loved all the endings. The true end was my favorite true end from any game I played. It wasn't predictable and I don't know it was just AWESOME :) 

Although as respectfully as possible I do kinda agree with "president mystery". I feel like if you could sprinkle some more hints though out the game. 

Possible spoiler alert... 

Ellen says that she's angry that "she" left her alone. and later it says "don't try to kill yourself". a possibility would be where Olivia was a real person like Ellen but got sick of it and killed herself . Oliva was replaced (kind of like the true end) so Ellen kills this thing to try and hide her sadness of Olivia's death. I do love your ending though. Or a different end could be that you just walked out the door/did your work/ didn't kill Olivia. 

I do mean this in the nicest way possible, just as input if you plan on expanding, changing, or making a new game. Also I love the art style. One of my new favorite games and new favorite creator! Thanks for the AMAZING game! excited to see your other work!

I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed this game (and my artstyle hehe)!! Thank you for playing, this comment made me smile <33

Also this is certainly an interesting scenario UvU


wow… im left speechless… 

English to Spanish Translator here!
I'd like to translate the game if you are interested. Please contact me on


me after i kill my boss:


How do i get the last ending? I killed her in every way but that ending doesn't show up for some reason


nvm i got it


goated game!!! ending was unexpected but fun as hell, can't wait to see what else yoouu have in store!

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