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Adorable!!! :D

thank you, I made a lil me


You should activate windows

mb i actually keep forgetting to do that :( thanks for the reminder!!


this is oni


very cute game! i got a little carried away and ended up making a BUNCH of characters using this so if anyone is curious to see em i made a (google) slideshow in about 15 minutes


Hahaha, what a cute slideshow! I love all of the designs <33


its-a-me!!!!! cute game ^o^


i really think that she is cute

(1 edit) (+1)

hehe she so silly

She’s princess charming


she is cute <3 i like her


This is a cute game :3


i made the one and only... me

 (all the options were super cute ee!!)


yare yare daze..



look at her shses  my cutie patootie


why is this so cute

I rly liked this! Made two chars! One trans girl and one trans boy :D

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Your trans boyfriend, he's not used to boy's clothing yet but he still wants to look cool for his first date with you.


Noo, that's such an adorable concept!! I love him <33


I made this nice girl! The game was really cute and fun even if there was not a lot of choice

Oh, she's so cute!! I'm happy that you liked the game^^

i made this silly little dude!! sorry if i wasnt supposed to make a male char or if this is offensive at all!! /gen

Ohh, he looks so cool!!! ✨✨

Also don't worry about it! Tbh I'd never have thought that you could even create male charas with it (cuz the artstyle's so cutesy) so I'm pretty impressed haha


aa tysm!!! sorry i was just a bit nervous you would get mad at me, i love the game sm tho!!!

Oh, I'm happy that you like the game <33 And yeah, dw^^ It's all fine :3


I made this little cutie pie. This game is so nice <333


Aww she's super adorable!!! 💖💖


Cute. It might already be, but if it isnt i would recommend putting this on Picrew, its very popular for this sort of thing and would help alot more people get to have fun with this


I didn't plan on putting this on picrew cuz I'd have to resize all the images... Tho I might do that if I'm too bored one day^^

(2 edits) (+4)

i tried to ignore how pretty all the outfits were, but I couldn't resist.....shes too cute...

(I call her, Calli.)

I've played all of your equally awesome and cute games!


Omg hi Calli <3

And thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed all my games^^


Amazing how no matter what combinations you do all of them look fire! Great work


Thank youu!! :3


sleepy 😴💤


What a sleepy cutie!!


Cutteeeee Keep up the good work


Thank youu <33


So pretty :3


(1 edit) (+2)


this game is so sweet and cute plls more updates for make more cute characters.

Thank youu <3 I'm not sure if I'll update this game, but I do want to make another dress-up game :3


(2 edits) (+1)

looks like wednesday pls dont copy



I love it! It's so freaking cute!




Ohhh both are so pretty!!! I love the combos!!!!!!

la verdad tu oc es muy lindo<<3



this is so cute!!! Im glad you updated it ! I sketched out my own character in class too, good thing this website isn't blocked


omg I'd love to see ur sketch (if u wanna share it) 👀 👀





Ohhh I love this!!!! The orange suits them so nicely <333


THANK YOU, I use my house's fungi to photograph the girl that you drew.

Also that dark version of skin gave me the idea💡 


Ohh I see!! So she's a mushroom girl 😌 🍄


this is really sweet, and you really made the fashion/face choices count - felt like i could pick something i loved for their look every time


I'm glad you enjoyed it :3 I also love your chara... They're so cute >v<


This is so cute!!!!

Thank youuuu :3


I colored a sleepy lil princess an' it's adorable 

Oh that's so cute!!! I love the colors :3

This is what I like to call...

A perfect waifu maker.

(I am aware of it not being one, but whatever.)




gimme more


ok I updated the game ^w^




I didn´t realize you made the good job game!!! it was amazing :) <3 also this game is very cool! I play it in school when I can haha


Yeah that's me!! :3 And thank you, I'm glad you liked both games hehe <333


ur welcome!!!!!! sjsjjssjsjsj you're like my idol in art rn! <33


awww that's so sweet!!! I'm super glad u think so QvQ

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