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Such an awesome and cute game :D

I love the character design and the art style in general. Also the dialogues are funny ^^


Hahaha I'm super glad you think so - especially about the art and the humor UvU (The most important things to me lol)






Check the bathroom after a bad date :)


2: captivity ending

Kittens paradise


its a secret

your tattoo

this feels like fate

this cafe

dont tell her

 they look lovely

then go into the restroom and click "yes"

thats how you get it :[)

All you have to do to get it is go into the bathroom


This was another great game. That true ending caught me off guard.


AYYY TTHE GAME IS JUST SOOOO GOOD,also love the art stylle!!

Thank youuuuu!!! I'm happy you enjoyed it!!!!! 🥰


Heheh nailed the hidden job! 💰


Ohhhhh congrats!!! ✨✨ Go get that money hehehe 💰💰


I'm lost on the true end :')


Hmm, did you check up on "Serze" in the restroom?

Ah! Another banger!!! 

I absolutely loved Serze and Levia (especially how calm and collected the latter is no matter what happened good or bad lol). Also, I adored Levia's bubble braids, her whole design was so adorable <3


I'm glad you liked it!!!! :33 

Yess, that's what I like about Levia too<3 I also tried a lot of different hair styles for both of them - in the end I decided for the bubble braids, because they're so cute ^v^ 




Hahaha Ending 2 is the most cozy ending fr 🥰🥰

And thank youu :DD


Honestly, enjoyed my experience with the game, just wished that the text colors weren't constantly changing. It it occasionally makes it hard to read what was written.


Oh I see! I used the different colors to make sure that it's always obvious to see who is talking. I hope it wasn't too hard to read!!

It's mostly legible mind you, just rather difficult at times. Once again, enjoyed the game.


hi kathinka 

(i like kitty and i love your game)

hi vqrkll :) Tysm, I'm super glad you like Kitty <33

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wonderful game! <3

Thank you <3


i love mc's design sm, she's such a cutie !! :D


hehehe thank you <33 I love her design, too >v<


MY GOD??? JEEZ! I loved the game and the music and every aspect of it as well, BUT THE PLOT TWIST????????? (in a good way) * confused cat noises *


Hehehehe >:3c Then it was worth it to browse through pixabay late into the night to find this music :3




Nooooo don't report me.... I'm too sexy to be reported🥲




I have tried to doing all of the orders for the waitress but I still couldn't get the hidden ending. Would anyone be able to help explain to me on how to get that ending. 



You'll need to find the right person for the orders first try, and not interact with anything else in order to achieve the hidden ending! <3


I'm really enjoying this so far. I love how cute and vibrant all of the characters are, and I love the soundtrack. Also, I recognised the music from the title screen as being the same music from the title screen as "Sofia?" by Hatoge, so that's pretty cool! Anyway, I'm still busy getting the other endings, and I already have a feeling that things are not what they seem...


I'm glad you enjoyed it so far 😊 😊 And really?? What a coincidence! :D I think it's a Songtrack from RPG Maker VX! 

Good luck on getting all the ending ^v^ You're def right with that <3


I did it! I got all of the endings, and they were awesome!


This was a great game! I gotten every ending except for the hidden one, im not to sure how to get that...


Thank youu <33 

If you want a hint: (Obv spoilers invoming)

You need to be on the "Good Date"-Route and be nice to the waitress. Once you can look around the cafe, you go talk to the waitress immediately!! :>


Ah, ok thanks!


Yes, got it! Got a partner and a job in one much was that pay?


This game is so sweet it gave me diabetes.

Now really, it's just so damn cute. Amazing art, loved the RPG-like parts. Haven't gotten all the endings yet, but I'm sure gonna work toward that!


Hahaha how sweet is that x'D

I'm really happy that you liked it tho <33 I hope you get all the endings :3


This game was so incredible GOOD! i haven't gotten all endings yet, still searching for the hidden ending, but I god the true ending on my first run which probably is the most satisfying out of all of them. (spoiler for those who haven't played it ahead!!!) So what I loved about this game is that it's a yandere game but also a romantic game at the same time. in some games the yandere character is so unredeemable that the romantic part becomes awkward, but this one did it just right by giving the characters enough of a mutual backstory to make it less weird. the stalking and the gun part was still a bit much, but i loved how the protagonist handled the situation and showed sweetness and compassion for the situation and understood why 'serze' went as far. there was also a bit of guilt from the protagonist, even if not intentional, which made this also be redeemable, since nothing malicious had actually happened between them, it was just a missunderstanding on both of their sides. really loved how well the game handled the yandere trope and how the story of the characters was told through the date. i don't know any of the other characters in your game and am not familiar with the universe but this game makes me want to check out your other games ^^ also LOVED that you used rpg maker just to make a VN!!! the exploration part added just a bit of bonus to the game that made me sit through the dialogue parts without feeling like it's too much to read or too much nonsense to explore, well done!!!

(1 edit) (+3)

Omg!!! Thank you sm for your kind review - I loved reading all of this ^v^ 

If you need a hint for the hidden end, just ask me hehe

I'm glad that you enjoyed the romance <333 Tbh for me it's also a romance game first, a yandere game second ^^ So I didn't want Serze to be a "scary" Yandere, because I felt that it'd damper the romance too much :'))  (Also I didn't feel like drawing blood hahaha)

Also this set of charas is newly introduced in this game... One day I'll make games on them, too UvU 

If you like romance tho, I'd recommend my game "You and Me"... It's the only other romance I've ever written xD 

Otherwise... of course I had to use RPG Maker!! I love the engine sm, so I just felt like I had to use it lmao x'D


I ADORED this game! The aesthetic was so sugary sweet, the character designs were adorable, and it was so much fun! I managed to get all of the endings, and I'm looking forward to your future projects! <3


That's so sweet, thank youuu ☺️💞💞 Also congrats on getting all the endings!!! I hope it wasn't too difficult :'))

Of course, no problem! ^U^ and thank you!!


It wasn't too difficult for me, I just experimented with doing the opposite of each event (like being rude/nice during the date segment and interacting/waiting during the exploration segment.) For the hidden ending, I just talked to everyone until I found the right person. 😆

Thank you for telling me :33 (And thank you for helping out ppl in the comment section 🙏)

I love getting feedback like this because it helps me see if the game's too hard to play :3 I want players to have fun after all^^


So cute


Thank you <3


Sweet game!! I love the art style, especially how the lines have the crayon texture to them, and the characters themselves all look really cute! The thing is I can't figure out how to get the 3rd ending? I've gotten the True End, Hidden Ending, as well as 1, 2, and 4. (Hidden ending was my fav, get that bank girl!!)


Hi! I'm down to give you a hint for the 3rd ending if you'd like! Feel free to let me know if you're stuck, and I can give you the full answer in that case. <3


1: During the date, try to be as rude as possible and hide as much information as you can.

2: Interact with everything in the cafe until Serze comes out of the bathroom, then speak to her.


Ohhhh thank you!! I'm a bit of a completionist, I don't know how I missed that! haha


No problem, I completely feel that! Happy to help! ^O^

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm glad you liked it - especially the artstyle <3 I love using this brush, because the texture is so rough :D 

Also couldn't have explained the tip for ending 3 better than Jenpai! I hope it helps you <3

(Also omg yes she's earning so much moneyy 💰💰💰)


Super cute adorable pink game full of hearts, cute art and lovely characters, also a really fun story with a lot of interesting endings, defintely a must try! Really recommend this ones specially if you like Yandere characters, fun conversations and streamers.

Keep the good work!


Thank you very much^v^ I'm glad that you enjoyed the game!!!! (and that u made a LP hehe I really liked watching you play that game!!)

You were so close to the good route!! >O< I think you didn't get it, because that one choice was skipped :')) 

Also her name is Serze! It originally was Serza, but I changed it midway through.... But seems like I didn't change it everywhere :') I'll try to do that asap^^


Ohhh this seems super cool!! The art style is MWAH chef's kiss


then you've got very good taste:3

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